Thursday, January 04, 2007

Tips to Reduce Global Warming

Scientists say that global warming and a return of El Nino may make ’07 the hottest year ever. El Nino will not be as strong as it was in ’98, the current record hot spell, but carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas levels are continuing to rise creating their own warming effect. Last year, scientists reported the 41 square mile Ayles Ice Shelf, broke free from Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic just 500 miles south of the North Pole. These shelves are made of 3000 year old ice and are in danger of disappearing. The five remaining shelves are currently 90% smaller than they were upon discovery 100 years ago and one has cracked in half, threatening to join Ayles as a potential hazard to ships.

10 Tips to Reduce Global Warming

1) Plant a tree, preferably an EMIP tree as they absorb more carbon dioxide
2) Reduce, reuse and recycle
3) Use less heat and air conditioning
4) Replace regular light bulbs with compact florescent light bulbs
5) Drive less and drive smart
6) Buy energy-efficient products
7) Use less hot water
8) Use the “off” switch
9) Get a report card from your utility company
10) Encourage others to conserve


Robyne said...

what's an RPM tree?

Great idea for a blog Mike.

EMIP said...

RPM stands for Root Production Method. It is the process that EarthMark uses to produce trees that grow faster, fruit sooner and have greater survival rates than traditionally grown trees. See the post About EarthMark for more detailed information on RPM.