On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast. Two and a half years later, have we learned any lessons? Hopefully, the next administration will promote the restoration of the wetlands to help prevent this from happening again.
You have an interesting blog.
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I just wrote a blog piece, recently, on Katrina. Seemed I found much more primacy than wetlands to report. Though, if this was any kind of factor, I must admit I do not understand it.
Wetlands can create a buffer against the storm surge created during a hurricane. The cypress trees, grasses and other wetland plants create friction against the water that is forced inland from hurricane strength winds. That friction reduces velocities and, therefore, reduces storm surge height. Some scientists believe that a wetlands buffer along the Gulf Coast could reduce a 20 foot storm surge to approximately 5 feet. This reduction in storm surge could greatly reduce the stress on levees during future hurricanes.
EarthMark International Plants, Inc, EMIP, utilizes a unique process that has proven to accelerate growth and early fruiting of most plants. The air-pruning process has had impressive initial results accelerating growth and improving survival of many species of trees. This air-pruning process, with the help of an organic plant supplement, increases overall hardiness and accelerates the growth of processed trees.
You have an interesting blog.
Hey do you want to access Salesforce.com when you are away from your pc???? You can do it through your mobile and your phone doesn’t need to support internet or GPRS for this.
Check out this MoDazzle site.
MoDazzle gives you the opportunity to access SalesForce on your mobile via SMS and email without internet or GPRS. You can also access Linkedin and Facebook and other online services like Google maps Starbucks etc.
I just wrote a blog piece, recently, on Katrina. Seemed I found much more primacy than wetlands to report. Though, if this was any kind of factor, I must admit I do not understand it.
Wetlands can create a buffer against the storm surge created during a hurricane. The cypress trees, grasses and other wetland plants create friction against the water that is forced inland from hurricane strength winds. That friction reduces velocities and, therefore, reduces storm surge height. Some scientists believe that a wetlands buffer along the Gulf Coast could reduce a 20 foot storm surge to approximately 5 feet. This reduction in storm surge could greatly reduce the stress on levees during future hurricanes.
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